Monday, October 5, 2009

The "Aha" Moment

Understanding is vital to reaching your destiny. If you are unable to understand what the steps are to reach your destiny then it is nearly impossible to make progress toward your goal. Clarity does wonders for a dreamer. If you have found yourself stagnant and you are unsure why, then it may because you lack understanding. You may need clarity of your vision for you to move to the next level on your road to success. You may be completely baffled if you are usually a self-motivated person and you have not been able to make any significant steps toward reaching your destiny.

For instance, I am typically a self-starter. I am a goal setter, tracker, and achiever. However, in this area of successful internet marketing, I have been struggling. I discovered today that I have not been making much progress because I am yet to understand the technical aspect of it. Today is the day that I had my "a ha" moment. For some reason I understand so much more than I did before but I can't describe how. Today it just clicked. All of the things that I had been learning along the way came together and I feel like I can move forward. In fact, I know that this is the time.

Until you have your "a ha" moment it may be difficult for you, but don't lose hope. Understanding in itself is a process, and it doesn't happen overnight. If you don't understand right away, it doesn't mean that you are a slow learner. It just means that at that point your dream is bigger than you. Eventually, you will grow into your dream and become a success. As you become a success be sure that you are grateful for the process and willing to share your "a ha" moment with others.

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