Saturday, October 10, 2009

Believe in Yourself

What does it take? There is nothing that you can do to make people realize your full potential if you haven't realized it for yourself. If you don't believe that you can do it then how do you expect others to believe in you. You must be your first cheerleader, so get started. Tell yourself, "I can do whatever I set my mind to do." Some people feel silly saying things aloud but you must begin to talk to yourself. After you say something so many times, you have no choice but to take action. What you think you will say, and what you say you will do. I'm not sure where I heard that saying, but it is true. If you have been thinking, "I can't do this," then you can't. On the other hand, if you have been thinking, " I will do this," then you will. It is really that simple.

For those of you that think it is not, it's because you are impatient. You expect for something to happen over night. If you are saying that you want to become a millionaire, then you can't expect to go outside and find a money tree in your yard. It's ridiculous, and it doesn't happen in real life. You have to develop a plan and work at it. For instance, I just read about how a woman "with NO business experience became a Super Affiliate earning $500,000+ per year selling other people's stuff online." Now, I have had my doubts about all of this stuff I see online but some of it has got to be true. Check it out for yourself. Click Here!

On the other hand, regardless of how much you believe in yourself, you will have discouraging moments. You will have areas in which you need to perfect but you cannot let that discourage you. Don't let anyone or anybody tell you that you cannot achieve greatness. Greatness is your destiny but that doesn't mean that you will arrive there in two seconds flat. Now, what kind of ride would that be? Wouldn't it be boring if that were true?

What is life really about? It's not an easy question, but I'm going to take a shot at it. Life is about challenging yourself to become better each and everyday. There is always going to be something that you can do better and some area of your character in which you can improve. When your eulogy is read, people will remember you for the way that your approached life. People will remember that you tried to be your best. It is such a great honor to live a life of purpose. Sadly enough, everyone will not reach their full potential, and they will die with a dream in their heart. They will never live the life of their dreams. With that reality in mind, what are you going to do? Are you going to let rejection and dream snatchers take your dream? You have a choice. You can view negative feedback as constructive criticism or take it as a blow to your ego. What is more important your ego, or your dream.

Treat your dream like your baby. When a baby is born, you are excited. Everyone congratulates you and wishs you well. After a while those people leave, and you are left alone to raise the child. Raising a baby takes patience, time and energy. You must be patient with yourself and your dream. It is vital that you use the time and energy developing your dream instead of beating yourself up because you had a discouraging moment. Those moments will come and go, but you can't let it stop you. The time you spent feeling sorry for yourself is much better used building yourself up. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.

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