Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's Stopping You?

You have got to stop talking about what you are going to do, and get it done. Research and planning are both very wise things to do, but they need to be done in balance. Some of you are not even doing that, you’re just talking. You’re saying things like, “One of these days, I’m going to…” When you should be saying things like, “Today, I’m going to…” Notice that I didn’t say tomorrow, I said today. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you could have done today. Anytime, you do that you’re setting yourself up for failure. That’s just like me, when I’m always starting a diet next week. I say to myself that starting something at the beginning of the week makes it a fresh start. Now, I know and you know that I’m lying to myself. I’m wasting my time even thinking about meeting weight loss goals because if I’m not serious enough to do something about today, then I don’t have my mind made up.

How much progress are you going to make if you are just blowing out smoke? Some of you talk a good talk. I mean, you can talk circles around the best of them. You can make anything sound good and you know you have skills to seal the deal. The thing is that when you look at how much you have said versus how much you have done, you are coming up short. You can be your own judge of what is true and false. When you say things that you are going to do, no one really cares if you do it or if you don’t. You’re not doing anything but lying to yourself. Furthermore, you’re wasting your breath and your time. Life is too short for meaningless conversations. So, like the saying goes, “If you’re going to talk about it, be about it.”

Now, some of you don’t think this applies to you. You’re sitting there thinking about that person that gets on your last nerve talking about what they are going to do and they never do anything. If this is you, let’s point the finger back at you. You might be one of those people who don’t say much about what they are going to do, you just do it. Okay, this is good and fine. This is actually great, but what about those things that you haven’t done. You’ve thought about it, but that’s as far as it goes. The thought has not turned into an action yet. When this happens to the go-getter, it’s time to take a look inside.

Are you afraid? Are you overwhelmed? Do you lack understanding? So, you want to be a millionaire and everyone else thinks it's a long shot. You can't let "haters," who are people that always have something negative to say, stop you from giving it all that you have. Learn about how others have accomplished your same goal. Click Here! The best thing to do is to keep your dreams to yourself if you think that people will discourage you. I want to be a millionaire too, so it's okay. I don't usually tell many people that, but I think I can trust you.

So now, back to the subject matter at hand, what is it that’s stopping you from moving forward? When you identify your barrier, you can begin to overcome it and progress toward greatness. Sometimes we’re too afraid to explore our fears. I myself was afraid of fear itself. My spiritual beliefs have taught me that God does not give the spirit of fear; so therefore, I didn’t want to admit when I was afraid of anything. I was in denial. I was afraid of failure and overwhelmed at the fact that I needed so much information that I didn’t know where to start. A word of wisdom is that starting somewhere is better than starting nowhere at all.

If you have been stagnant or you are not where you would like to be, it’s not too late to get moving. Start at this very moment. There is always something that you can do moment by moment to work toward your goals. For instance, if you are addicted to nicotine, you can start by resisting the next urge you have to smoke. Instead of smoking, replace it with doing something else. (That works for food too). No matter how minimal it may seem, a little progress is better than no progress at all. You are the only one that can stop you. You’re unstoppable, so what’s stopping you?!

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