Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Consistent Progress

Without progress, you will never reach your ultimate destination. The path to your destiny may appear long and steep, but you have to move forward. If you don't take a step each day you'll never get there. Don't let your dreams of your future intimidate you. You will get there in due time, but not necessarily tomorrow. Tomorrow you need to take a step toward your goal. Those steps will add up to progress. If you take one step, you may not see results immediately. However, over a period of time, you are guaranteed to see a change.

Some of you are having trouble with making progress because you want to see results without the effort. It's time for a reality check. Unfortunately, no one can get off of the couch for you. You have to sit up, get up, and then walk toward whatever it is that you need to do. I am a firm believer in external motivation, but internal motivation is much more powerful. Everyone can tell you what you need to do, but it will not do any good until you talk yourself into making a positive change. If you could get results by sitting in the same spot doing nothing, then you would have reached your goal at least five times by now.

All you can do is try your best. If you are not putting your best foot forward, it is not too late to start. Each day is a new beginning, so start at the brink of sunrise. Tell yourself what you could do better and do it. It doesn't have to be a complicated process. It doesn't have to be hard. Stop dwelling on how hard it is, and focus on what is attainable. You know what you can't do, so find out what you can do. As you begin to look at what you can do, take the steps to do it, then you will eventually see progress. Now imagine, if you could practice being your best on a consistent basis. Just imagine how far you would be be on your journey to success if you are making consistent progress.

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